Commercial Carpet Cleaning

Commercial Carpet Cleaning in Beaverton

We have a commercial carpet cleaning job in Beaverton that has a large volume of traffic from a oily factory floor to a pristine environment. The challenge has been to keep the office portion of the building looking perfect for their international clients visiting Beaverton Oregon. 

Though the carpet is steamed cleaned periodically, it is maintained to perfection using Environ and an Orbot. This low moisture method (or dry cleaning) reduces cost and dries in less than an hour.

If you have a commercial building that needs maintenance. We would be happy to evaluate your needs and offer recommendations on how you can save money, and make your carpet last longer. Call Eco Clean at 503-332-9046 or contact us at


  • Walk on carpet immediately after cleaning
  • Saves money
  • No "wicking" of spots
  • Low odor - smells great
  • Effective Cleaning

It's amazing how much dirt comes of a small area